Uditanshu Kumar
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

About —

Reddit is a social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website. Registered members submit content to the site such as links, text posts, and images, which are then voted up or down by other members. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called “communities” or “subreddits”, which cover a variety of topics such as news, politics, science, movies, video games, music, books, sports, fitness, cooking, pets, and image-sharing. Submissions with more up-votes appear towards the top of their subreddit and, if they receive enough up-votes, ultimately on the site’s front page.

Tools & Libraries used —

1. material-ui
2. antd
3. axios
4. bootstrap
5. dompurify
6. draft-convert
7. draft-js
8. react
9. react-bootstrap
10. react-dom
11. react-draft-wysiwyg
12. react-redux
13. react-router-dom
14. react-scripts
15. redux
16. redux-thunk
17. uuid
18. web-vitals

Home Page —

This is our landing page. It contains all the journals and articles that are posted by different users. Users can upvote or downvote a particular story by pressing over the upvote or downvote button. To see how the rest of the features work, please follow.

Post In Detail Page —

As you click over the comments button of any post, the user will be diverted to In detailed description page about that particular post. On this page, users can comment, reply to different comments, upvote, and downvote a comment.

Post A Story Page —

This page is meant for posting a story. Using this page users can post a story to any of the subreddit.

Community Page —

This page contains links to various community pages. By clicking over any of the community pages, the user will be diverted to that particular community page.


